Tuesday, March 27, 2012

spring cleaning.

I love simplicity. I crave it. I would prefer to have fewer, more meaningful, cherished items in my home and life than a horde of pointless, voluminous junk cluttering up my space (and head - clutter makes me physically dizzy). I pride myself on my ability to discard unwanted items throughout our home. So, even though we're back to seasonal temperatures here in Ontario, last week's balmy weather was enough to encourage me to start in on my Spring cleaning and tackle some of the cluttered mess that ultimately follows Winter's long months. What an eye-opener! I was shocked to find that so much of that "pointless," "unnecessary" junk had taken up residence in my own clothes closet. 
It's staggering how much one can amass over such a short period of time. I'm ashamed to even admit to myself just how much extra "stuff" I have. I'd pared down my belongings when we started packing for the move to our new home back in July, but since the transition it would appear that my own number of unnecessary items has grown again. For someone who is constantly on the lookout for things to discard, it's humbling to admit that I am possibly the biggest culprit of all (ssh! don't tell David).
So, to clear my closet and my conscience, I waded through and built a pile of clothes to be auctioned off on eBay. This is only a tiny sample of the stuff I'm getting rid of. I plan to use the money raised to buy something off my our true "need" list. 
It's nice to be able to breathe again...

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