Thursday, May 17, 2012

a new direction.

Since I take a fair number of photos each week (mostly of Mia), and want to develop my amateur photography skills, I've been toying with the idea of using this space strictly as a photo blog. Seeing that I have such difficulty finding the time right words to compose posts that I'm truly happy with - I am a terrible perfectionist and my writing is far, far from perfect - I thought using another medium might prove more successful. So, my goal is to upload a weekly photo (or more) of pretty much whatever piques my interest or illustrates a feeling or experience.
As an added incentive, I've signed myself up for the David Suzuki Foundation's 30 x 30 Challenge. The challenge is to spend 30 minutes a day in nature for 30 days commencing June 1st. Although I try to get myself and Mia out for a walk as often as possible, some days I just don't feel I have the energy to even climb the stairs, let alone walk the hour-long route we normally take through our housing development. It's funny sad really, because I know that as soon as I'm out the door and breathe in the fresh air, my energy level rises, I feel refreshed, and my mood instantly brightens. It seems crazy that my lethargy wins out so often and many beautiful days go by without being properly appreciated. The challenge sounds easy enough, though I'm sure I'll have many days when I just won't "feel like it". Has anyone else signed up? I'd love to have some "company" in this new endeavour.

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